This law is known to hold true for galaxies at a distance of at least several billion light years.
柯林斯例句But the same did not hold true of secular communes, where the oldest was 40.
互联网Keynes's theory do not always hold true for all economic problems.
互联网Explore to see if the following theorems of plane geometry still hold true under hyperbolic geometry.
互联网Those laws hold true in particular periods and in a particular kind of space.
互联网I believe those principles hold true for everyone, everywhere.
我相信,这些道理在任何地方 、 对任何人都是至理名言.
互联网In this sense, the words of Friedrich Nietzsche still hold true today.
从这个意义上讲, 弗里德里希·尼采(FriedrichNietzsche)的话今天仍然是正确的.
辞典例句You may find the examples dated, but the principles still hold true.
尽管书中的例子有些古老, 但是其中原则在今天仍然非常适用.
About Face 3交互设计精髓But not everyone is convinced this will hold true this year.
互联网These conditions hold true.
互联网Perhaps , the scientists thought, the same would hold true for scrawny specimens versus the truly buff.
科学家们想, 或许对于瘦小的人, 他们的听力比那些真正的大个子要灵敏.
互联网The above theorems and laws hold true for DC as well as for AC circuits.
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